Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Blake & I are coming up on two years of marriage. 
It's crazy how fast time flies. 
It's crazy how fast babies grow up and become teenagers and then adults.
It's crazy how we learn. 
and we grow.

How things that used to matter don't matter so much any more. 
how all of a sudden you're not learning how to dribble a basketball, 
but how to deal with attitudes of teenagers. 
It's amazing how well the Lord knows us. 
How we get callings. 
or opportunities to serve in the community. 
or take on a new project. 
that helps mold us. 
that teaches us something new. 

lately I've been learning a lot. 
or observing and thinking a lot. 

I've been thinking about Parenting.

I know that may sound silly because I'm not a mom. 
 or close to it.
 but one day I will be. 

I'm an observer. 
I pay attention to people actions and reactions -
good and bad
in hopes of learning something from them.

I've seen a lot of good parents lately. 
and I've seen plenty of bad. 

I've seen parents who don't seem to care. 
who yell at their kids and tell them
"they can't wait for them to go back to school and get out of their hair."
who've cussed at their little ones. 
who let their kids go out with friends, night after night and spend no time with them.
 who don't have family dinner.

I've seen girls with self esteem issues.
that could be solved with love
I've seen kids going crazy for love from their parents. 
who long to have a mom and a dad.

On the other hand I've seen moms who adore their kids. 
who take the time to listen. 
who are patient. 
who make sure they are going to have a family dinner even if it's a sandwich. 
because they know the most important thing is that TIME that they spend together.
mom's who tell their kids they love them. 
and show it too.

It's safe to say that lately I've seen the kind of Mom I want to be.
 i've seen the effects and the importance of good parents. 
of being there. 
of listening. 
of nurturing. 
of loving.
of doing less - and spending more time. 
even more so now than ever before in my life. 

I love these little opportunites to learn and grow.
 and I appreciate the women I know -
that are great mothers.
there is no job more important.
that's my lesson of the month.

Erica Anderson







  1. Love your post!! Thinking is good ;) You're going to be a GREAT mom one day!

  2. I love this! And I agree with Holly, you are going to be an awesome mom one day!

  3. AMEN! I'm right there with you. I have been observing a lot too lately and picking up on tips and remembering the not so good tips to stay clear of them!
